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3. Design a curricular exchange that invites other people into your experience of this quality of space.

The third prompt encourages you to develop an intervention or activation that brings others into this experience.  There is no deck for this response. Your design might take the following forms, as starting points.  

  1. A conversation: For casual users, collaborators, and learning communities, have a conversation about your individual explorations in Prompts 1-2. What new insights and questions emerge from your combined experiences of these prompts? 

  2. ​A teaching activity: For educators, develop a question, relationship, or activity to bring into your teaching practice.  What are the consequences of Prompts 1-2 for how you approach knowledge in relation to spaces, bodies, feelings, and materials?

  3. ​A public, participatory project: For artists, community-based organizations, and neighbors, develop a public, participatory project that engages passersby in your observations. Heeding legal restrictions, consider a performance, installation, or interactive design that provokes exploration related to your creative research process in Prompts 1-2. ​

3. Designing: Project

Curricular Design

Read more about our approach to curricular design, for Prompt 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page for some examples to inspire your own designs.


Curricular Design

A curricular design interferes with or changes the course of an experience or thought. A curricular design might take the form of an artwork, dialogue, provocation, or activation. It engages other people and materials in the affective experience or attunement to a space.

It might be as simple as discussing your observations with friends, colleagues, or strangers. It might be a practice you incorporate into your teaching. It might be as complex as developing a participatory, public art work or a short film engaging in speculative re-imaginings of the original site. See some examples below of curricular designs that inspire us to think about ordinary publics. 

The curriculum design takes up the ‘so what?,’ or stakes, of your noticings, questions, connections, and creations in Prompts 1-2.

3. Designing: Research

Here are some examples of artists whose work engages thinking and feeling in public spaces and who inspire us to imagine intimate spaces in public art.

Note, your curriculum design need not be this big, or this public! We hope to inspire small actions and interventions into ordinary publics. 

3. Designing: Text
3. Designing: Pro Gallery
3. Designing: Text
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