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Curriculum Co-Designers

Ordinary Publics emerged from our musings on our own changing experiences of those spaces during the pandemic and an effort to have broader conversations about how other people - how you - are processing these changes too.


Sarah Gerth v.d. Berg

Curriculum Designer

Sarah Gerth van den Berg (she/her) is an educator and curriculum designer in New York City. Her work fosters critical and creative inquiry through the arts, place, and senses.  Sarah is completing a doctorate in curriculum studies from Teachers College, Columbia University and is currently the Dean of Curriculum & Pedagogy at City Seminary of New York.

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Raquel Vigil

Curriculum Designer 


Raquel Vigil (she/they) is an educator, and curriculum designer based in San Francisco. She is interested in pedagogy that sets up the conditions for inquiry, critical thinking, and deep imagination. Raquel holds a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University, and is currently the Curriculum Specialist at the Edible Schoolyard Project.

Team: Our Team
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